Pendulum Adjustment Mode

MicroSet 3 can display rate information in four different formats:

  • As Beats Per Hour
  • As Seconds Per Beat
  • A Seconds Per Day of Error
  • As the amount you must move the pendulum bob to reach the correct rate

The Pendulum Adjustment mode is a unique feature of MicroSet.

When you select the Pendulum Adjustment mode, MicroSet will ask you for the Target Rate of the clock you are measuring. MicroSet then uses this information to calculate the length of a pendulum that would swing at this rate. It then calculates the effective length of the pendulum in your clock from each new rate reading. Finally, it subtracts the two lengths and displays the difference between the length it now has and the length it must have. This value is shown in ten-thousandths of an inch. A plus sign means you must make the pendulum longer (lower the bob) — a minus sign means you must make the pendulum shorter (raise the bob). If you wish to convert the distance into the number of turns of the rating nut, you can figure how many thousandths each turn is from the threads per inch of the rating screw.

The Pendulum Adjustment mode will be especially useful when a pendulum is far out of adjustment and you have no idea how much movement is required. But even when the adjstment is minor, it can be helpful to see the rate as a specific adjustment amount instead of an abstract number of Beats Per Hour.

The Running Average feature in MicroSet 3 also applies to the Pendulum Adjustment display mode.